How to remove the Vivint door sensor?

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Home » Vivint » How to remove the Vivint door sensor?
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Written By Dinu Sri

Dr H. T. D. S. Madusanka is an electronic expert with 10 years of experience, involved in the research and development of SMART HOME systems.

Removing a Vivint door sensor is a straightforward process that can be done without professional assistance.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to safely remove a Vivint door sensor

1) Disarmed the system:

The first step in the process is to disable the alarm and the whole system to prevent a false alarm. As soon as the sensor detects the activity around it, it will immediately alarm the sound. You can change the setting using your Vivint application and disable the alarm for the time being until you complete your work.

Let your family member or the people who have access to the Vivint system that you will perform a task. Else, they will think there is some wrong at your doorstep, and they will be worried about it.

2) Removing cap out of Door:

Now use the screwdriver for popping the sensor from the cap by removing the screw. Gently press the screw and remove it, moving the screwdriver anti-clock direction. The screw will come out quickly. Keep those screw aside somewhere where no will touch it. It would be best if you had them again when you fix the sensor back.

3) Remove the sensor:

Gently remove the case from the door system. The sensor will be sitting in the back of the circuit board. It will be attached with the wires. So carefully detach those wires and make the sensor free from the circuit.

4) Replacing the sensor:

If you plan to replace the sensor, then remove the old sensor from the outlet and fix the new sensor. Connect the wires as it was before to make the sensor work. Do not touch other wires in the system.

5) Slide circuit board back:

Once you have done with the sensor’s replacement, gently slide the circuit board back to the place. While doing that, check for the wires come out from the corner. Do not push hard until you ensure that no cables are trapped from the side.

Place the circuit board back in place and put the screw at its location—Double-check for any loose connection or anything unusual around the circuit board.

6) Reactivate the sensor:

Once you are done with all the hardware job, the final step is to reactivate the sensor. Use the Vivint application to activate the sensor and get the reading again. The Vivint application will indicate to you whether it is properly working or not.

If you find any problem, follow the above step and check for any loose connection or power connection to the system. There will be something that is missing, which needs to be handle manually.

Vivint Support team for doorstep service

Vivint’s team is consistently upgrading its technology. When you want to upgrade the existing sensor to a new, more advanced sensor, there will be an occasion. Therefore, consulting the Vivint team would make the upgrade process easy.

The whole replacement or upgrade process is managed professionally, and the task is completed in the shortest period to avoid any time loss during the maintenance. You can book the person’s appointment giving the team the required time to visit your place and understand the requirement.

Once the team has all the needed data with them, it would be easy for them to quickly perform the task.

Hiring the local electrician for Removal of the Vivint door sensor

If the Vivint team is not reachable in the remote area, you can hire a local electrician for this job. The work doesn’t require much training, making it easy for an electrician to perform the task. You can guide them about the sensor and how the whole Vivint system works, especially the house’s automated alarm and design.

Before completing the job, turn off the alarm to avoid repeated alarm noise. Monitor the work of the electrician while he is performing the task. If you find anything that may break or affect the system, you should let the person know. As he is experienced in handling the wires and tools, he will handle equipment carefully.

 You can ask him to read the above-given steps before he starts working on the task. Let me understand the whole process; then, it will be easy for him to quickly get the sensor out.

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