Do you want to remove the thermostat, but you don’t know how to? If this is the case with you, then it’s your good day. Because this is exactly what we’re about to cover.
In this post, we’re going to cover what is a thermostat, what are its two types, how to remove the thermostat from the Vivint panel, and how to remove the Vivint’s thermostat’s cover.
So if you’re ready to find a solution to your problem, let’s start talking.
How to remove a thermostat from the Vivint panel?
Removing a thermostat from the Vivint panel is a very simple and easy process. The process only has one step and can be completed within seconds.
First, we’re going to talk about what a thermostat is and what types of thermostats are. After that, we are going to talk about the process. If you’re interested in this information, skip to the next section.
What is a Thermostat?
First thing first, we should become familiar with what exactly is a thermostat. In this section, we’re going to explain what a thermostat is and how it works.
The name thermostat is an English word, and it’s made from two ancient greek ones. The names of the two greek words are thermo and statos. Thermo means heat and statos means standing.
Enough with the history behind the name, let’s talk about what it is.
A thermostat is an object that is installed in HVAC (Heating Ventilation, Air Conditioning) systems. The purpose of the Thermostat is to change the temperature of the room or even an open area to a comfortable level. Or to a level that the user prefers, we’re saying this because sometimes people don’t prefer a comfortable temperature by choice. Almost always, such behaviors are the cause of some sort of training that involves sitting at an uncomfortable temperature.
Now that you’re familiar with what a thermostat is, let’s talk about how it works. Are you ready to find out how this magical device that has the capacity to change the way how we feel in our environment works, then let’s get to it?
While we’d like to talk about the small details behind the operating process of a thermostat, we’ve got more to cover, so unfortunately we can’t do it. Nonetheless, what we’re going to say is going to be enough that you need to know about how a thermostat operates.
So here it is. A concise explanation that is easy to understand. Most things get bigger when they heat up and smaller when they cool down. Physicists refer to this idea as thermal expansion.
Thermostats use thermal expansion to switch the electric circuit on and off. There are two types of thermostats. The names of these thermostats are Gas-Filled-Bellows and Bimetallic Strips.
Gas Filled Bellows
In simple words, the Gas Filled Bellows work the area really fast. They change the temperature of the room or the open area, pretty fast compared to Bimetallic Strips.
Gas Filled Bellows are a bit expensive. They use gas as a fuel, which is not surprising at all because of their name, but what their names don’t tell is that sometimes they’re made to be run by volatile (low-boiling liquid).
For a deeper understanding of Gas Filled Bellows, click here.
Bimetallic Stripes
The Bimetallic Stripes thermostat works the room a bit slowly. It takes about %20-%30 more time to cool the area.
The good point of Bimetallic thermostats is they are very cheap. There is another drawback to these thermostats, though. They won’t turn on or off instantly.
This is because the metal strip takes quite some time to contract or expand. Sometimes, because of the hot weather, it may even take up to one hour for a thermostat to turn back on. Turning it off will only take up to 20 minutes. Which is still quite some time, but hell, a lot less compared to turning it on.
Now that you’re familiar with the thermostat, let’s talk about how to remove a thermostat from Vivint Panel.
Removing the thermostat
Put the tips of your finger at the top and bottom of the thermostat. Now gently and slowly pull the thermostat toward yourself. It’s incredibly important to be important because the thermostat is not very robust and can be damaged easily.
Keep gently pulling the thermostat towards yourself until it comes off from the magnetic mounting plate.
How to remove a thermostat cover?
Removing the thermostat cover is quite an easy process. After you’ve taken it down from the mounting plate, grab a Philip screwdriver.

Here is the whole process step-by-step.
Step 1: Move the backside of the thermostat towards the front.
Step 2: Pick up the screwdriver and unscrew the upper screws first. After you’re done, unscrew the bottom ones.
That’s it! It’s that simple. Now it’s time for the conclusion.
In this post, you’ve become familiar with the thermostat, its two types, and how they differentiate. Plus, you’ve learned how to remove the thermostat and its cover.
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