What does Cycle Delay mean on Vivint Thermostat?

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Home » Vivint » What does Cycle Delay mean on Vivint Thermostat?
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Written By Dinu Sri

Dr H. T. D. S. Madusanka is an electronic expert with 10 years of experience, involved in the research and development of SMART HOME systems.

So you own a Vivint panel and you’re interested in finding out what cycle delay means in the Vivint thermostat? Well if this is why you’ve clicked on this article, then you’re at the right place.

This is exactly what we’re going to answer in this post and we’re going to teach you how to identify whether it is the problem with your Vivint thermostat. Also, we’re going to address the cause and treatment for the problem.

The post is a bit lengthy, so let’s dive straight in.

What does Cycle Delay mean on Vivint Thermostat?

Here is a simple explanation of what the cycle delay means. The cycle delay means the heating/cooling cycle of the thermostat is getting delayed for one or more reasons.

It doesn’t mean that your thermostat won’t cool or heat up the room or the area; it means that your thermostat will go into delay mode after every minute or two.

It’ll probably stay in the mode for about 3-5 minutes and then start cooling/heating. This problem will keep occurring until the cause behind it is dealt with properly.

Now, let’s talk about two reasons why your thermostat might be in the delay mode and what you can do about getting it out of that mode.

So are you hooked, awesome! Let’s do it then. 

Why is my thermostat in delayed mode?

There are two main reasons for this. First, we’re going to talk about the one that is mostly the cause of the problem. Then, we’re going to talk about the second reason, which is rarely the cause behind this problem. It’s estimated that this is the cause in less than %5 of the cases that cause the cycle delay.  

To form an in-depth understanding of delay mode, go to this link.

This section is going to be long and lengthy. So let’s not waste further time chit-chatting and get to it. Let’s start with the common cause.

The most common cause of why the Vivint thermostat experiences the cycle delay has something to do with the battery. It has not just something to do with the battery, but here is the actual problem.

The Vivint thermostat has a built-in rechargeable battery. Here is why the built-in rechargeable battery can cause a problem.

The battery needs to be at least charged at a %50 level. If it is below it, then here is what will happen. The thermostat will produce cold/hot air for 1 or 2 minutes, and then it will stop producing it for 4-5 minutes.

The solution to this problem as you can see is incredibly simple. All you’ve to do is stop using the system for an hour or two, depending on how low your battery is.

Once it is charged, run your system again and you probably wouldn’t face this problem again. This was the most common and the more simple method. Next, we’re going to talk about a problem that’s rare and more complicated.

So here it is. The second problem is that the wire in the C terminal of your thermostat is either damaged, missing, or not connected properly.

In either one of these 3 scenarios, your thermostat is not getting enough wattage to operate properly, therefore it keeps going to the delay cycle.

If the from the C terminal is missing, you should contact the company and ask for a new wire. If the wire is damaged, you’ll have to buy a new one. If the wire is not connected properly, you’ll have to connect it properly.

To find out what is the problem with your thermostat follow the steps below:

Step 1: Take the thermostat off. Grab it gently with the tips of your finger from the top and the bottom. Now push it just a little, and lift it up until it is completely detached from the mount.

Step 2: Put the thermostat down and grab a screwdriver. Loose the top screws first and then lose the bottom ones. Then take a look at the C terminal and you’ll find the answer to your problem.    

Finding what’s wrong with the wire is not hard. But you should know the solution to your problem, otherwise what’s the point of all of this?

So let’s talk about the solution now. The solution to the first two problems is quite obvious. Damaged wire and the missing wire. If the wire is damaged you should buy the new one. If the wire is missing contact the company and have them deliver the new one to your home.

But what about the third one? What if the wire is simply not connected properly? You certainly don’t have to call customer support for that.

The reason you don’t have to call Vivint customer support for that is that you can do it on your own and it could be quite embarrassing to ask for a solution for such a simple problem.

So now if you’re ready to learn how to do it. How to connect the wire of the C terminal to the thermostat properly on your own. If you’re ready for it, then let’s get to it.

The process is actually incredibly simple and short. Here is all you’ve got to do. Check from which end is the wire loose. From the thermostat’s end or from the C terminal’s end.

If the wire is loose from the thermostat’s end detached it and then reattached it. Be sure to be gentle otherwise, you can damage the head of the wire. Do the same thing if the wire is loose at the C terminal’s end. If it’s not attached at both ends properly, then you know what to do 🙂

Now that we’ve addressed all the problems related to Cycle Delay on the Vivint thermostat, and we’ve addressed all the solutions, it’s time to end this post.

So here comes the conclusion.


There are various reasons why your Vivint’s thermostat might experience a cycle delay. By reading this post you’ve learned how to identify whether your thermostat is keeping getting to the cycle delay mode or not, and you’ve learned all the problems that can be causing this cycle delay.

Also, you’ve learned the solution for each problem and not just the solution but the best solution, the most efficient and effective solution for the problem.

We’ve tried to explain everything in the easiest and most concise manner possible. We hope you’ve found this post helpful. If that’s not the case, then let us know through the comment section and we’d love to help you out.

On the other hand, if that is the case and you’ve found the post helpful then feel free to share it on social media so other people can benefit from it as well.