Ring Doorbell Without Base Station (is it work?)

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Home » Ring » Ring Doorbell Without Base Station (is it work?)
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Written By Dinu Sri

Dr H. T. D. S. Madusanka is an electronic expert with 10 years of experience, involved in the research and development of SMART HOME systems.

The Ring alarm system has become one of the most popular DIY home security systems nowadays. This system starts to secure your home by integrating many hubs, whether your Ring camera is inside or outside your home.

However, the thing is that this fully functional security system works with a 5-pieces complete security kit, including a base station, a Ring keypad, Ring contact sensors, motion detectors, and Ring range extenders.

And from this 5-pieces security kit set, the Ring base station acts like a hub itself. Therefore, as a Ring user, you may wonder– Do Ring cameras require a base station to work? Or your Ring device can work without it.

All right, to let you know about this issue, I will provide you with complete detail on this topic in this article. So, without wasting much time, let’s begin!

Do Ring cameras require a base station?

Yes, Ring cameras require a base station for their Ring alarm system to function. As I have mentioned before, a base station works like a hub itself; therefore, the Ring alarm system won’t work without this base hub.

This base station acts as a control hub for the Ring alarm devices to control the system and all its components. It usually connects all Ring security devices to your Ring app using Z-wave.

It also uses Wi-Fi and a cellular data combination to report back to the servers of Ring’s Cloud. Thus, without this, none of the alarm accessories of Ring will work.

So, to function all the sensors and the whole system, a base station is necessary. Without this base hub, you won’t know from where the sound comes out and when your door is opened.

Besides, a base station lets you easily control all of your connected Ring alarm devices remotely when you are not at home via the Ring app. Moreover, it comes with a 24/7 backup battery with cellular backup that helps to continue functioning the alarm system to keep your home safe and secure.

It doesn’t matter if the power and the internet connection go out. These backup battery features turn on the ring alarm system to work during that period.

Can I unplug the Ring Base Station?

It would help if you didn’t unplug the Ring base station as it is designed to be constantly plugged in. Otherwise, the hub will lose all its battery power. 

However, you can unplug it if it is essential, like if you’re moving out of your apartment into a new house and you want to turn off the base station of the Ring alarm system.

If this is the case, you can turn off the base hub by following the detailed steps-

  • First, you need to remove the backup battery by removing the base cover using one Phillips screw from the back of the base station where the power connects.
  • The battery powers the base station; thus, removing this one will turn off the base station entirely.
  • To monitor the system while shutting down the base station, you need to switch to the self-monitoring option.

And if the base station is somehow accidentally unplugged, it needs to be immediately plugged in. Moreover, if it is not plugged in within 24 hours, it will lose all battery power.

And also, if the base station is not charged before its battery runs out, the ring alarm system won’t function anymore, and thus your home will remain in unsecured condition.

Can you buy the Ring Base Station on its own?

No, you can’t buy the Ring base station on its own as a separate and standalone item. To buy this, you have to purchase all the alarm system components that come with a 5-pieces security kit set.

This Ring alarm system kit usually contains a base station providing a 24-hour battery backup as well as an optional cellular backup, a physical interfacing keypad, mounting systemized contact sensors, motion detectors to detect motion, and lastly, a Ring range extender to extend the network signal.

So, while purchasing, you won’t find the Ring base station available as a separate product to buy. Yet, you can buy additional keypads, ring contact sensors, motion detectors, and other devices. So, you can extend your Ring alarm system.

Does your Ring doorbell device need a base station to work?

In short, the answer is No; your Ring doorbell device doesn’t need a base station to work. The thing is, this base station connects all the Ring alarm security devices to all Ring devices. 

These devices include Ring security cameras, Ring video doorbells, and other intelligent hub devices. So, the Ring alarm system can continue to function, acting as a burglar alarm to secure your home.

So, the fact is that the Ring alarm system of your Ring doorbell device won’t work without this base station, but the other feature will work. Even if you don’t have an internet connection, still, your doorbell will work if it is hardwired into the existing Ring doorbell device chime unit.

However, if you don’t have a base station connected to your Ring doorbell device, you can’t see who is at your front doorstep while you are away from your home. Thus, you will leave your home in an unsafe situation as you can’t control the devices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the ring base station need to be plugged in?

The Base Station is designed to be connected to a power source at all times. If it remains unplugged for 24 hours, it will lose its battery power. If you’re unable to recharge the Base Station before the battery runs out, your Ring Alarm will stop functioning, making it impossible to keep your home safe and secure.

Can you have 2 ring base stations?

You are limited to one Base Station per location, however, you can have up to 10 different locations associated with a single Ring account.

Final verdict

So, in this article, your question on the topic– Do Ring cameras require a base station? – has been answered in detail. Hopefully, you must have figured out whether your Ring camera device needs the base station by now.

As you know, this base station is considered the heart of a Ring alarm system that controls all of the security system components.

Therefore, it’s necessary to purchase a base hub security kit. So, you can control the Ring security camera device from anywhere you want and keep your home safe as well.