I have an HVAC system (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) at my home, and I have connected an Ecobee thermostat to that.
Recently I noticed that the HVAC fan kept working without stopping, and it seemed strange to me. I wanted to know if it is normal.
As I knew, the Ecobee fan takes control of the HVAC system, including the fan. I found a source for my problem, and I found only limited answers. That is why I wanted to do a little research and bring more information for Ecobee users.
What does the HVAC fan do with the Ecobee thermostat?

An HVAC fan’s duty is to regulate the home temperature with the heating and cooling systems. The Ecobee Smart Thermostat can interfere with the process by controlling the HVAC fan. The Ecobee thermostats involve temperature regulation along with power efficiency-like features.
Since the Ecobee is connected to an app, the user will always stay in control and get updates. That is how I could see that my HVAC fan was working all day.
Does Ecobee Have A Fan Setting?

Yes. I found there are 05 ways for you to access the settings of the HVAC fan. After those, you may control the HVAC fan using the Ecobee thermostats.
Heat Mode
I found that Ecobee has been designed to act differently in heat cycles. Since the heat has to be sent out of the home, the fan will work more.
You can adjust that by,
- Open main menu
- Tap Settings
- Open installation settings
- Tap equipment
- Tap furnace
- Go to fan control in heat mode
- Set to Ecobee thermostat
Note: You must access this setting through the Ecobee thermostats as the app or the web access won’t give you that.
Minimum Fan Runtime
After turning on this setting for the Ecobee thermostat, you can set the minimum run time of the HVAC fan. I found that the particular setting will be helpful to you if you wish to circulate air in the home.
Note: I searched “what would happen if the heating cycles or cooling cycles operate within the same hour.” I found that the particular length would be deducted from the minimum run time.
You can access the setting by,
- Go to Main Menu
- Tap system
- Choose fan
What is the Ecobee minimum fan runtime winter?

The Ecobee minimum fan runtime winter is 15 minutes. I changed the duration several times and found 15 would be best. I discovered several users who had recommended that setting too.
What is the recommended Ecobee minimum fan runtime summer?
It is 05 minutes per hour. I changed the value several times and found the heat would increase. If you set 05 minutes as the Ecobee minimum fan runtime summer, you will feel an evenly spread temperature around the home.
Quick Changes Menu
The quick changes menu allows the user to change specific things quickly and directly. I found that the latest versions of Ecobee firmware (4.6.25 and above) grant more features.
- Setting a specific speed for the HVAC fan (Your HVAC system must multi-speed fan)
- The ability to set times fan holds
How to arrange the Ecobee fan schedule?
- You can arrange the schedule by,
- Go to main menu
- Tap system
- Tap fan
- Rotate the wheel to set the value.
Note : You can schedule the fan for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, or until you turn it off.
Heat / Cool dissipation time settings

You can control the fan running duration after a cooling or heating proves has taken place. If you choose auto, Ecobee will turn off the HVAC system after running the fan for 30 to 45 seconds.
You can set 0 for the exact setting as well. If you do so, the fan will turn off immediately after the cooling or heating process is turned off. It means the heat or cold will remain in the home in smaller amounts.
Note: You must use the thermostat interface to access the settings.
Comfort Settings
The Ecobee thermostat can control the fan in comfort settings. I discovered that the users could control the HVAC fan in Home, Away, and Sleep comfort modes.
How do I make my Ecobee fan Auto?
This is the exact problem I had. I wanted to make my Ecobee fan Auto as the HVAC fan was running continuously. I could do that by using the below steps.
- Go to Main Menu
- Comfort settings
- And Choose,
- On – You will turn on the HVAC fan for the entire duration of the Comfort Setting
- Auto – You will turn on the HVAC fan for the heating or cooling requirements.
Is it OK to run the HVAC fan continuously in Winter?

I discovered that some users who had set the thermostat fan “On” for the Winter were curious if it is OK to do that. But, you will get one bigger setback, heating cooler air through the air vents after turning it on.
Since the fan continuously works, the air temperature will get low despite the heating process.
Anyway, I could identify several more pros and cons of setting the thermostat fan always “On.”
- After you turn on the Thermostat fan, you set the cooling and heating to 100% effective through the even distribution. Your home will not have any cold spots in Winter.
- The Thermostat fan’s life span will increase as there are not any Starting” or “Stopping” sequences.
- The air will be purified effectively. (You must use an air Filter unit)
- The cost will increase as the fan consumes more energy.
- The coldness will increase as the air temperature is similar to the air outside.
- The maintenance cost will increase as the furnace filter will have to be replaced.
Can Ecobee run the fan only?

After getting in control of the HVAC fan using ecobee, I wanted to know whether I can keep the fan only in the HVAC system. I did not find any setting on the Thermostat Interface and App either.
I asked for the official assistance of Ecobee, and they confirmed that I couldn’t keep the Ecobee fan only.
I think I explained everything about Ecobee fan settings. If you have any unsolved issues, contact Ecobee customer assistance.