How to Remove ADT Motion Sensor From Wall?

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Home » ADT » How to Remove ADT Motion Sensor From Wall?
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Written By Dinu Sri

Dr H. T. D. S. Madusanka is an electronic expert with 10 years of experience, involved in the research and development of SMART HOME systems.

In this post, we’re going to talk about how to remove the ADT motion sensor from the wall.

We’re also going to talk about the purpose of the ADT motion sensor and its features.

If you’re not interested in this stuff, skip to the detailed step-by-step process or follow this quick removal process.

Quick steps to remove ADT Motion Sensor from the wall

First, disable the ADT sensor, then use a knife to remove the adhesive. Pull out the magnet. Finally, take off the sensor part smoothly from the wall.

What is the purpose of ADT Motion Sensor?

ADT motion sensor is used as an automated trigger device.

It will activate automatically when there is movement around it.

With this capability, ADT sensor works as a great security device protecting your home from intruders.

Wide range

ADT motion sensors can cover a vast area. Its range is 35’ x 40’.

24/7 monitoring

As you can tell by reading the heading, this feature is about keeping an eye 24/7.

This feature is amazing, because even if for some reason you can’t contact the team or even if you’re not aware of the problem, necessary steps will be taken to solve the problem at hand.

Automatic lights

Let’s say a burglar is trying to enter your house. The sensor will sense their presence, and turn the lights on. This is good for multiple reasons.

How to Remove ADT Motion Sensor From Wall?

Now, let’s talk about the step-by-step process for removing the ADT motion sensor from the wall. It’s actually incredibly simple.

If you want to see a video click here.

Step 1: Grab a flat screwdriver and unscrew the bottom screw of the motion sensor.

Step 2: Remove the cover of the sensor.

Step 3: Now, take out the battery. Be sure to be gentle when taking the battery out.

Step 4: There will be a slot underneath and it’ll be in the middle section. Now again, take the screwdriver and press it lightly into the slot and hold.

Step 5: While you’re holding the slot, gently push the motion sensor downwards until it comes off the bracket.

That’s it! You’ve successfully removed the ADT motion sensor from the wall.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to remove the cover from the adt motion sensor?

You need to use a flathead screwdriver to remove the nuts in the plastic case. Then you can open the cover.

How do I remove a device from ADT?

First, go to settings > Then click Devices > Then select which device you need to remove.

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